Pie and bovril forum. Bob Robe. Pie and bovril forum

 Bob RobePie and bovril forum  Come and join over 50000 members in our discussion forums

Discussion for or about Alloa Athletic, Annan Athletic, Cove Rangers, Falkirk, Edinburgh City, Hamilton Accies, Kelty Hearts, Montrose, Queen of the South & Stirling Albion. Thought we’d be better off with a brand new thread for next season and the following seasons. The P&B massive have a love of many other sports too so if you want to talk Golf, Egg Chasing, Tennis, Yank Football, Baseball, Cricket, Darts, Snooker or Synchronised swimming or anything else then here is the place to do it. By Jimmy Shaker, July 9, 2020. Sir Steve Clarke is the latest man charged with leading us to the glory of a first round exit at a major tournament. Discussion for or about Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic, Clyde, Dumbarton, East Fife, Elgin City, Forfar Athletic, Peterhead, Spartans, Stenhousemuir & StranraerLowland League. Pie and Bovril Official Announcements We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. It’s a shame out stadium is taking longer to complete than La Sagrada Familia, but we are where we are. Jamie Wire has retired as our resident statto but never fear as craigkillie has stepped in to take over ! Feel free to post any question in this forum on the subject of Scottish football (line-ups, results, trivia etc) and either he or one of the many forum regulars will be only too happy to try and help! Just noticed btw that Under 18s can get a season ticket for £18 and Under 12s for £9. The early results are a testament to John, Ian, Micky, Bill and Blair for their hard and skilful work on a daily basis and to the players who believe and are always striving to be better and hit their targets each day. Page 2 of 46. 3. Forums; Events; Staff; Online Users; More . 1. Goalkeepers. The Indigo Comms Pie and Bovril Predictor Competition Week 15 1 2. Discuss them all here !8. All loanees listed as ended unless they sign again/permanently. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. Sod it; we'll be safe with three games to go, why not. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Football Manager. Follow intrepid managers or create your own thread spotlighting your own achievements or miserable failures in the FM hotseat or discuss the bargain buys that helped you lift the Champions League. The Midland League will consist of all current ERJFA North clubs, so including. The sardonic "The Barclays" and "Keysey" patter about the Premier League on the Misc Football forum is equally grim. The SFSA, which has almost 50,000 members from across Scotland, is a not-for-profit, members’ body open to everyone, whether they are individuals, supporters groups or affiliates. 5. Pie and Bovril Official Announcements. Johnstone & St. Followers 158. I don’t expect many Ayr fans will have recovered from what. Sign in with TwitterDiscuss all the latest happenings in the East of Scotland Football League hereThe Pie & Bovril WoSFL Predictions Competition 12th November. . Edited May 24, 2021 by Kyle. MirrenDiscussion for or about Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic, Clyde, Dumbarton, East Fife, Elgin City, Forfar Athletic, Peterhead, Spartans, Stenhousemuir & Stranraer12. Pie and Bovril Official Announcements. What are your average home and away attendances like? Hope to welcome many Linlithgow fan's to central park next season where usually away fans are welcome to have a refreshment at the clubs bar. Discuss all the latest happenings in the East of Scotland Football League here. 5kThe place is overun by (St Mirren mainly) wallopers. Location : Ross-shire. My Team : Queen of the South. posts. Arbroath have a brand of football that is swashbuckling, full of joie de vivre and panache. Next. This will be related to feature releases, improvements, changes, planned forum maintenance work, events or to tell you that we've accepted a multi million pound bid for the site and have sold up and moved to the Bahamas. Followers 12. I’ve bought a perforated pie tin recently, before I’d been making very flat pies in a perforated pizza tray/tin. Hats off to the club for recognising that we need to attract local kids to Broadwood. Pie and Bovril Official Announcements. Pie and Bovril Official Announcements. I was at Cowden v East Kilbride on Saturday and the EK fans getting soaked in the Monsoon+ conditions was a joy to behold. Discuss all the latest happenings in the South of Scotland Football League here. An archive of the previous Junior Football forum. There are a lot of informative and entertaining posts which help us pass the. HAVE COME BACK . It's a major competition. Followers 25. Civ 6 - £10 more if you buy via Steam. Celtic . an86. 5kThe Wrestling Forum. 31 points. That and the work in the community and at schools is a key investment in the club’s future. MirrenPage 8 of 34. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. Thank you for retaining Jim Goodwin! Well least you'll be better craic than your city neighbours who did have a lot of Falkirk type arrogance . Sign in with Facebook. We are all going to die. Posted June 23. Alloa Athletic . P&B Gold is where old classic threads will be moved to by the mods whenever they have served their time in the main forum. Posted April 24, 2022. 70!!!!!We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 1. This is the General Nonsense forum for use by all P&B visitors to discuss anything and everything. Followers 13. Scottish Cup, League Cup, Challenge Cup, Regional Cups, Junior Cups - if its domestic silverware then this is the place to discuss ! 249. All music related threads here please ! This is the General Nonsense forum for use by all P&B visitors to discuss anything and everything. Andy Birkenhead Posts: 13,450. Followers 49. 2. Johnstone. 1 reply; 1. They gather to keep up to date on all of the teams in each division, communicate in the forums, and keep up with a league wide news ticker on the front page. I am looking for information on season ticket sales for the 4 divisions. The forum automatically emails that address as soon as you. Next. The national side is a constant source of abject misery but at some point it might end. A fantastic second half display sees us come from behind and reach the second round of the Scottish Junior Cup. My Team : St. Or sign in with one of these services. Tartan Army Ramblings. November 9. Followers 89. Start new topic. 5kSouth of Scotland Football League. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Page 1 of 21. 6. We may well form a great friendship. Forums; Unread; Sign In;Pie and Bovril Official Announcements. It's long been requested by the masses and finally here it is. Users can contribute to threads that make their way in here, but can't start new topics here. We've been linked to Dayle Southwell of Boston United as well. We thank everyone for their patience. 8. 6k Posted 20 hours ago On 22/11/2023 at 03:11, throbber said: I assume it’s being boycotted by many as there isn’t a thread about it yet. Scottish League 1 General Chatter. My Team : Queens Park. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Sign in with Facebook. Only three players to keep their jobs. This will be related to feature releases, improvements, changes, planned forum maintenance work, events or to tell you that we've accepted a multi million pound bid for the site and have sold up and moved to the Bahamas. 9k. Location : London. Brechin City . Marten. Followers 334. The staple diet of Scottish Football. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Followers 158. Jamie Wire has retired as our resident statto but never fear as craigkillie has stepped in to take over ! Feel free to post any question in this forum on the subject of Scottish football (line-ups, results, trivia etc) and either he or one of the many forum regulars will be only too happy to try and help!Just noticed btw that Under 18s can get a season ticket for £18 and Under 12s for £9. This will be related to feature releases, improvements, changes, planned forum maintenance work, events or to tell you that we've accepted a multi million pound bid for the site and have sold up and moved to the Bahamas. P&B 2016 . By jimbaxters, April 20. Sign in with Facebook. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This will be related to feature releases, improvements, changes, planned forum maintenance work, events or to tell you that we've accepted a multi million pound bid for the site and have sold up and moved to the Bahamas. 1 hour ago, Reggie Perrin said: Draw between Lambie and Hartley. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. Sign in with TwitterHow to use the board and its many features!So after last season's near embarrassment; we won the league to return at the first time of asking. Clyde . Unfortunately the hosting of the WoSFL website doesn't seem to be able to cope with the volume of traffic it gets. Makes it easier than creating a new thread every year. Posted April 24, 2022. happy. The away days are going to be outrageous. Or sign in with one of these services. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. P&B Gold is where old classic threads will be moved to by the mods whenever they have served their time in the main forum. This will be related to feature releases, improvements, changes, planned forum maintenance work, events or to tell you that we've accepted a multi million pound bid for the site and have sold up and moved to the Bahamas. Genuinely, there are many great people on here and every one of you brings something that helps to make this my favourite website on the Internet. the pie filling itself was very nice. Anything less than wins against Raith and Morton and we might still be involved until the bitter end. Brechin City . 5kTweet Wall. Time will tell, but for me the big roar at full time from the Talbot fans on Monday night when a draw was secured at Darvel was a significant signal for those who were there as neutrals. Or sign in with one of these services. Too early to predict where the BU's will be. Next. Store. This will be related to feature releases, improvements, changes, planned forum maintenance work, events or to tell you that we've accepted a multi million pound bid for the site and have sold up and moved to the Bahamas. 29 replies. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. By jimbaxters, November 5. The General Nonsense Forum. All Indy Ref topics have been preserved. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. top score. We’ve only lost one game all season. Ignoring B teams who officially don't count in determining final league positions: 1 EK (loadsofmoney) 2 Tranent (loadsofmoney) 3 Berwick Rangers (finished 22-23 very strongly)Pie and Bovril Official Announcements. This will be related to feature releases, improvements, changes, planned forum maintenance work, events or to tell you that we've accepted a multi million pound bid for the site and have sold up and moved to the Bahamas. Followers 247. Tweet Wall. This is the General Nonsense forum for use by all P&B visitors to discuss anything and everything. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. More . There are 30-40 Saturday-playing amateur leagues in Scotland covering Highland, North of Scotland, North of Tay, Tayside, Fife, East of Scotland, South of Scotland, and West of Scotland regions. Hartley because everything. 42 replies. Airdrie. By Francesc Fabregas, October 3. Posted May 24, 2011. A couple of things you need to know, City. Whoever gets the position has a big rebuild in front of them. This will be related to feature releases, improvements, changes, planned forum maintenance work, events or to tell you that we've accepted a multi million pound bid for the site and have sold up and moved to the Bahamas. Celtic . Or sign in with one of these services. From the latest Hollywood blockbuster to what's happening in Corrie, this is the place to discuss it. The Pie & Bovril WoSFL Predictions Competition 26th April. Aberdeen . Discussion for or about Alloa Athletic, Annan Athletic, Cove Rangers, Falkirk, Edinburgh City, Hamilton Accies, Kelty Hearts, Montrose, Queen of the South & Stirling Albion. It seemed like a roar of delight that they hadn't lost the game. Next. Betting on the footy or on other major sporting events and got a great tip to share with fellow P&B'ers ? Our gambling forum is bursting with tips ! Followers 23. My Team : Dumbarton. Support. There are 30-40 Saturday-playing amateur leagues in Scotland covering Highland, North of Scotland, North of Tay, Tayside, Fife, East of Scotland, South of Scotland, and West of Scotland regions. McGhee's gone out his way to try and find a way to fit him into the side going 4231 and using wingers, he's even shifted McDonald back into midfield in his 433 to try and accommodate him and whilst he's chipped in with goals and assists we've generally looked a less solid unit with him in the side. Its first ambassador is former Scotland captain Gary McAllister. November 12, 2022. 5kGold Members. Of course we want users to suggest threads. Tartan Army Ramblings. Near him is Allan Clarke, ready for a through ball. On the face of it Austin will be a good signing if he stays fit. Alloa Athletic . Split from the e-chat forum by popular request, this is the forum to discuss any kind of gaming. Store. Page 1 of 5062. posts. The Pie & Bovril WoSFL Predictions Competition 18th February By jimbaxters, February 13 week 22; hunners a points; 16 replies; 762 views; happy; February 18; The Pie & Bovril WoSFL Predictions Competition - Addendum. Do not ever forget that. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. This is known as playing the 'Arbroath Way'. Let's change that by saying nice things about Pie and Bovril and the people on it. Aberdeen . Note that any music, tv, film, gaming or technology related threads should be placed in the respective forums (see below this one) for those topics. By its very definition, it’s not within budget, as he doesn’t have a set budget for season 24/25, so there would have to be a “length and terms of contract” discussion or the Board aren’t doing their job. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A village team finds someone who got in early with Bitcoin. The #SPFL has been awarded €61,961,500 in UEFA Prize Money in 2022-23 (allegedly) Dundee United 23/24. 4k. Activity. P&B 2017 . Note that any music, tv, film, gaming or technology related threads should be placed in the respective forums (see below this one) for those topics. It is not possible to hold the draw after the Darvel game on Wednesday as it coincides with a Four Leagues Meeting. Discuss all aspects of the Scotland team here. Scottish Championship General Chatter. Followers 248. This is the General Nonsense forum for use by all P&B visitors to discuss anything and everything. 5kThis is the General Nonsense forum for use by all P&B visitors to discuss anything and everything. Johnstone & St. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. Even the weakest ones would qualify as “awrite” in most other seasons. The national side is a constant source of abject misery but at some point it might end. Use this forum to discuss the built up to the tournament itself, and we've also split off a wee sub-forum for discussing travel arrangements for those thinking of making the trip. Gold Members. By jimbaxters, August 29, 2022 week 1; fixture changed; 41 replies; 1. The Pie and Bovril Dead Pool 2023. Thistle will pose a better barometer to Arbroath's recent run of fine form. 1. P&B has a very well well travelled membership so this section is for you to pick their brains about where you are off to. Posted June 25. All Activity; Search; More . Sign in with TwitterCeltic travel to what might be a completely sold out Tynecastle, I genuinely don’t know. St Cadoc's, Chapel Hall youth club in Newton Mearns finds one of the 27 ex Celtic directors to. Sign in with Facebook. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. com or click "Support" in the top menu to open a support ticket if you are experiencing technical problems, or use the contact us link at the bottom of the page or on the homepage of the website. Posted March 18, 2015. Hibernian v Celtic. Loan ended. Clyde Season 23/24. Cove. 2023-24 Challenge Cup. Stirling v Alloa K Roberts hero or villan. Meh. posts. Followers 247. And your starter for ten. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Page 2 of 75. Followers 158. Get this thread binned, we want the original back. Sir Steve Clarke is the latest man charged with leading us to the glory of a first round exit at a major tournament. P&B 500. Posted September 16. Kris Boyd set to return to Kilmarnock in the. Followers 22. Next. Unspoken or not, the Board won’t be shrugging their shoulders and writing off a McGlynn team collapse as a. Airdrie . The WoSFL General Meeting scheduled for the following week has been delayed by a week to 3rd February. Hats off to the club for recognising that we need to attract local kids to Broadwood. The P&B massive have a love of many other sports too so if you want to talk Golf, Egg Chasing, Tennis, Yank Football, Baseball, Cricket, Darts, Snooker or Synchronised swimming or anything else. 3. The Gambling Forum. I’ve seen a lot of unnecessary panic elsewhere. Digaba. 2k. 5kPie and Bovril Official Announcements. 5kA two year contract. Posted January 19, 2011 (edited) Raith fans have a popular thread running where they can discuss all things Raith without the need for various different threads, so with there seemingly being a lot to discuss with us right now, it seems a good idea to make one for ourselves. It's long been requested by the masses and finally here it is. Current squad looks something like - Keepers; Gaston and Adam Defenders; Kilday, Lamie, O'Ware, Russell, Miller Midfielders; McKee, Barr, Forbes, Pepper, Tidser, Stef McCluskey, Scullion Forwards;. Ask a Support Question. P&B 2019 . I don’t think it’ll be tough at all with Naismith at the helm, comfortable and routine Celtic win. I heard through the grapevine here in Dundee that this morning's PWG was really positive and it will shortly be confirmed that there will be 3 leagues feeding into the Highland League from 2021/22: North Caledonian League, North Juniors & Midland League. instead of that airdrie scum. 3k. Elgin City -vs- Stenhousemuir (Saturday 7 October 2023) 1 2 3. Berwick Rangers . Bearing wit Posted Images. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Raith fans have a popular thread running where they. My Team : Dundee Utd. This will be related to feature releases, improvements, changes, planned forum maintenance work, events or to tell you that we've accepted a multi million pound bid for the site and have sold up and moved to the Bahamas. 1. Discuss all the latest happenings in the East of Scotland Football League here. Page 1 of 12. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. P&B 2017 . The Travel Forum. Note that any music, tv, film, gaming or technology related threads should be placed in the respective forums (see below this one) for those topics. Leaderboard; MoreThe Politics Forum. Saints huffed and puffed and were OK for spells in the 2nd half. Scottish League 1 General Chatter. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. He is the Highlands' equivalent of Troll Dad, but much less likeable. This will be related to feature releases, improvements, changes, planned forum maintenance work, events or to tell you that we've accepted a multi million pound bid for the site and have sold up and moved to the Bahamas. John Sutton is free to leave and we've got offers in for Paul Paton, Ryan Dow and Blair Alston. The staple diet of Scottish Football. Albion Rovers . Discuss all the latest happenings in the East of Scotland Football League here. Page 1 of 14. Or sign in with one of these services. The guys had more freedom in its early days, now with the insistence of the Very PC BBC it has become increasingly bland. Johnstone. P&B has a very well well travelled membership so this section is for you to pick their brains about where you are off to. Discussion for or about Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic, Clyde, Dumbarton, East Fife, Elgin City, Forfar Athletic, Peterhead, Spartans, Stenhousemuir & StranraerCumbernauld United 0v2 Shotts Bon Accord SJC 27. Jinky Hilton missed a one-on-one in the best opening we created, a few minutes before Elgin bundled in from a corner. On 26/03/2014 at 14:28, BigFatTabbyDave said: Those last three games look hellish. 5kThe NFL Forum. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Author. It’s a shame out stadium is taking longer to complete than La Sagrada Familia, but we are where we are. 4k views. The sad thing is if it was taken off air next week the replacement show would be far blander. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Digaba. Master of the long searching pass. Most other clubs seem to have one thread designated to all things going on - transfers, general news etc but we don't. Support. Forum Member. By jimbaxters, November 7, 2022. A real taste of the big time for them. Catch the show every Friday night on the BBC Scotland Channel and stream previous episodes now on BBC iPlayer. 79 replies; 21. Discussion for or about Airdrie, Arbroath, Ayr Utd, Dundee Utd, Dunfermline Athletic, Greenock Morton, Inverness CT, Partick Thistle, Queen's Park & Raith Rovers. Johnston, Gemmell, Grant. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. I'd heard Lambie didn't like the egos in the dressing room and that's why he got shot of a lot of the. Sign in with TwitterThat's it open again for anyone looking to join. Elgin vs Forfar - 21st November 2023. Pie and Bovril Official Announcements. I think that’s wee bit disrespectful. then there were 17. Of course we want users to suggest threads. By GNU_Linux, Saturday at 17:18. Johnstone & St. Posted May 30, 2009. Discussion for or about Aberdeen, Celtic, Dundee, Hearts, Hibernian, Kilmarnock, Livingston, Motherwell, Rangers, Ross County, St. Time will tell, but for me the big roar at full time from the Talbot fans on Monday night when a draw was secured at Darvel was a significant signal for those who were there as neutrals. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Pie and Bovril Official Announcements. Tweet Wall. I and others were disappointed when he left Forthbank. Good morning, Predictors! Last Saturday’s results were;- Hurlford Utd 0 v 4 Pollok Kirkintilloch Rob Roy 1 v 3 Beith Juniors Whitletts Victoria P v P Shotts Bon Accord Glasgow United 1 v 1 Kilsyth Rangers East Kilbride Thistle 0 v 7 Lanark United Kilsyth Athletic 3 v 1 BSC Glasgow A bit of moveme. Sign In Faster. Gold Members. Airdrie . We've had a lot of the ball, but only really threatened a handful of times. Jimmy Shaker. Pie and Bovril Official Announcements We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. Scottish Football - Fans' Views. Bob Robe. Joseph Malinauskas (22) - May 2012. East Fife - ditto. sorted. Johnstone & St. Start new topic. My Team : Raith Rovers. This will be related to feature releases, improvements, changes, planned forum maintenance work, events or to tell you that we've accepted a multi million pound bid for the site and have sold up and moved to the Bahamas. Sign in with Facebook. Followers 334. Posted May 30, 2009. From the latest Hollywood blockbuster to what's happening in Corrie, this is the place to discuss it. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This will be related to feature releases, improvements, changes, planned forum maintenance work, events or to tell you that we've accepted a multi million pound bid for the site and have sold up and moved to the Bahamas. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 1 yr TheGreenElves changed the title to The Dundee United Thread 22/23. The Gambling Forum. The General Nonsense Forum ; Online Games & Puzzles IPS Theme by IPSFocus; Theme . 4. Away support usually about. All of us. Darnell Fisher. Posted June 23. Looks like you might have a new-man in goal again next season. Forums Events Staff Online Users Activity. Sign in with Facebook. The staple diet of Scottish Football. Week 9, with two postponements, provided the expected low scores, the winner was a three way tie at 4 points for @++Ammo - Airdrie++, @CityDave94 and @Zanetti In first with 33 points - @wiPie and Bovril Official Announcements. Discussion for or about Aberdeen, Celtic, Dundee, Hearts, Hibernian, Kilmarnock, Livingston, Motherwell, Rangers, Ross County, St. Discussion for or about Aberdeen, Celtic, Dundee, Hearts, Hibernian, Kilmarnock, Livingston, Motherwell, Rangers, Ross County, St. P&B Dark Alternative . Ayr Utd . Well least you'll be better craic than your city neighbours who did have a lot of killie type arrogance . The Gaming Forum ; Championship Manager 01-02 IPS Theme by IPSFocus; Theme . November 4. Unspoken or not, the Board won’t be shrugging their shoulders and writing off a McGlynn team collapse as a. Pie and Bovril Official Announcements. We will also use this forum to release announcements to all of our users.